Yay! I have super powers!

Well, I got super powers today. That was unexpected. I'd never particularly thought about getting them, but there you go. I am just a mild mannered sales clerk at a left hand store. I'm right handed. Maybe that has changed with my powers... nope.

I accepted a shipment of a growing green substance. I think it was meant for our store. I picked it up and spilled it all over the warehouse(I call it warehouse, it's really more like a closet)floor. I really should check hazmat warning labels more carefully as I sopped up the glowing goo with a left handed paper towel. Some of it... well a lot of it... got on my hands I and forgot to wash it off before lunch, so I'm sure I consumed some of it too. I started feeling a little woozy so I went home early. I passed out as soon as I got home, and when I awoke, I felt super.

I think I may be in trouble, because I forgot to tell my boss I was leaving early and there were like 6 messages on my answering machine while I was napping. I hope I still have a job. I'll let you know tomorrow when I find out.


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