Immature, but loving it

Okay, so I took some time off dealing with things to play a joke on my pizza delivery guy. He ticked me off last time by getting on my case for not having a pen to sign his slip. He's the one making me sign, shouldn't he have the pen? He had to go to his car to get the pen, and he didn't trust me so he had to take the pizzas to his car with him. I swear he spit on the mushroom one.

Anyway, I wanted pizza last night, and I decided I was going to order 4 items. I did, but I ordered them separately throughout the night, making him deliver to me 4 times. I changed clothes and used a different accent each time. My American accent was impeccable. The German and French a little less so, and I don't think he bought the Jamaican accent at all. I could see him getting a little angrier and angrier each time. He did have his pen though. He now knows not to mess with me, although I think he spit on my last order, and I know he shook up the 2 liter of coke.

Oh, and I can see through things.


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