Online Dating Sucks

Online dating sucks. You may have heard that before, but now you're hearing it again. First they make you pay for it. It's hard enough to pay on a date, but now you've got to pay just to have a chance at getting a date. Then, the questions they ask you are vague at best. "Have you ever been in love?" Yes. I love twinkies. Should I put that? It's the real me, but they don't have any way to answer that. It's just yes or no.

Then you have to put a picture up. I don't do pictures well. If that's all the lovely ladies are gonna see before they even get to my bio, well I'm screwed. Then when you do write a bio, it tells you it's not good enough and it gives you hints. It's telling me what to say about myself. Who the hell does it think it is?

Then the women... on the ads it shows you a really hot woman and it says meet her tonight or something like that. Nobody even close to looking like that lives near you. I promise. Not that looks are everything(I'm not one to talk!), but it's hard not to get your hopes up seeing the people they put on those ads. Ads are supposed to be honest! Right? Right??? Crap.

So, yeah I can see through walls and clothes and stuff. The clothes part is more practical. That's all I have to say about that.


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