Anyone want to hire a super employee?

Well, the Left Hand store closed today. Nobody warned me, I just showed up and the door was locked with a closed forever or something like that sign stuck to it. I shaved for nothing. Speaking of that... shaving is much tougher for some reason when you're a virtually indestructible man of super powers. Beard hairs are much more difficult to convince to shorten up. I had to get a Gillette Quattro. Highly recommended for other superheroes.

It's things like that that people don't realize about being "blessed" with extraordinary powers. Don't get me wrong... if someone shoots me, I'll be thrilled to be tougher than most. I just wish I didn't need a chainsaw to cut my toenails.

Back to the store... I need a job now. I may become a street performer or go into an arm wrestling tournament. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I doubt they have any around here. I'll have to look for one. One that's for money, and not for beer.


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